ICOC International Leadership Conference – Seattle, Washington

Editor’s Note:   The following announcement was made on September 10 at the conclusion of the 2005 International Leadership Conference for the International Churches of Christ in Seattle, Washington.  Disciples Today encourages ICOC church websites to translate and publish this announcement in your language. 


For many months, numerous brothers from our family of churches around the world have expressed a desire for a greater brotherhood cooperation to meet the needs of the disciples, the lost and the poor.

Following discussions with and recommendations from several church leaders around the world and sensing the opportunity for cooperation at the 2005 International Leadership Conference in Seattle, the elders and regional evangelists of the Los Angeles Church introduced a proposal a few weeks ago that included an appeal for brotherhood unity and revival.  In the days that followed, it became obvious that additional time would enable more churches to prayerfully consider this initiative and furnish additional input and even other proposals. Therefore, at the beginning of the International Leadership Conference, the Los Angeles brothers recommended that their proposal be a part of a wider plan to solicit other proposals and asked the many churches who had agreed to the original initiative, or had expressed strong interest in it, to extend patience in favor of this broader plan to solicit additional proposals from all parts of our fellowship for consideration.


Since we have no worldwide representative group in place, this idea was presented in Seattle to the planning group for the next International Leadership Conference.  The idea seemed good to the 33 brothers who were from most geographical areas of the world.  After some discussion and much prayer, 9 brothers were selected to serve on a group to gather input for a brotherhood cooperation proposal.  These men were selected by the simple qualifications of: servants who were full of the Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6:3); who hold the deep truths of the faith (1 Timothy 3:9); have been tested and proven faithful (1 Timothy 3:10); are advocates of a cooperative effort (Ephesians 4:1-3); have no selfish ambition (James 3:13-16); have gifts needed for this task (1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12); desire to serve in this group; and have global relationships (2 Timothy 3:10)

The 33 worldwide conference planning members spent a night in prayer and then selected the following brothers by secret ballot, commending them to the fellowship to serve as the Cooperation Proposal Group:  

Andy Fleming, Missions Evangelist, Middle East and Eurasia   
Mike Fontenot, Evangelist and Elder, Hampton Roads, Virginia
Scott Green, Evangelist, Seattle, Washington
Philip Lam, Evangelist, Hong Kong, China
John Louis, Evangelist, Singapore, Southeast Asia
Sam Powell, Evangelist and Elder, New York, New York
Steve Staten, Evangelist and Teacher, Chicago, Illinois
Mike Taliaferro, Evangelist, San Antonio, Texas and Africa
Bruce Williams, Evangelist and Elder, Los Angeles, California


These brothers will now solicit and accept proposals for brotherhood cooperation, unity and revival from anyone with a desire to build the body of Christ to the glory of God.  To help keep this process manageable and progressive, the Cooperation Proposal Group respectfully requests that groups of disciples from all parts of our fellowship of churches discuss, pray and submit proposals to this group by November 1, 2005.  Information about how to submit your proposal will soon be available on the Disciples Today website.  

The only purpose of this group is to review all proposals, prayerfully synthesize the best ideas from them, and by February 1, 2006  to submit a recommended proposal for brotherhood consideration to our family of churches

We appreciate the willingness of these brothers to serve.  This process is all about respectfully listening to each other and seeking God’s will for brotherhood, unity, cooperation and mission.  The Cooperation Proposal Group will send out more details regarding the proposals soon.  Please continue to pray that we will all seek the Spirit of unity and revival that God desires for us.

Prayer and Fasting

The brothers in the Cooperation Proposal Group will spend November 1, 2005 in prayer and fasting for the Spirit’s guidance and wisdom.  We would appreciate any and all who are willing and able to join us in prayer and fasting that day and any other day as we seek God’s will.  

Beginning Monday, September 19, proposals can be sent to: [email protected]