What a chaotic year 2020 has been! A world-wide pandemic, civil unrest and a divisive election in the US, and many personal losses for most of us. And yet God is faithful.
As the pandemic began back in March, I pondered the coming months for In Motion Counseling. Would we go into hibernation? How could we help those with mental health issues? This was untested waters for me (and all of us)! And yet God’s hand was at work. I would have never imagined how he would work in the next 10 months. In 2020 the highlights were:
God is Faithful to All Nations
For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations . – Isaiah 61:11
As I pondered a year of hibernation for In Motion Counseling, God was dreaming of all nations being helped. I began to get calls and email from the far reaches of the world for workshops online. In my thinking, I only did workshops when I arrived in a city. But that was no longer possible and God used the internet and Zoom to provide many opportunities. The nations included:
- Africa – Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Kenya, and Uganda
- India – Bangalore, New Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Nepal, Bangladesh
- Central America – Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, and Guatemala
- The UAE
- Canada – Winnipeg and Toronto
- The US – Heartland Region, St. Louis, Miami, Portland, Hartford, Springfield Mass., NY City, San Diego, Lubbock, San Antonio, Chicago, and Denver.
- The Bahamas
I learned a powerful lesson. God loves us and will do as he wills to help his people. He is not limited to my small thinking. I feel humbled and blessed for so many new relationships all over the world!

God Innovates
“ Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told .” – Habakkuk 1:5
He innovates. God used Zoom to reach many and to begin, not only workshops online, but also counseling groups. Several churches began the Disciples In Motion groups on Zoom to great success. Also, The Grief Journey began in several churches, including Nairobi, San Antonio, Hartford, and in January, Toronto.
Many hearts changed. My heart was changed as I was able to meet with so many. Grief issues were resolved, relationships restored, and God was glorified.
The Grief Journey group in Nairobi captured my heart and now these courageous women are trained to lead groups in their church. Below are some pictures of the sisters and how they created new ways to memorialize their loved ones (used with permission).

We humbly ask for your prayers and input in the coming year!
Find out more about In Motion Counseling here: inmotioncounseling.org