Although you may have missed the 2021 Broward Media Workshop back in February, you can still learn how to start or improve your church’s social media presence! You can now have access to the workshop videos for the exact same price ($35) as the February event. In fact, you can watch and re-watch as often as you like, on demand.
Here are some of the “building materials” from the videos:
- Starting and improving your livestream video and audio
- Social media aesthetics and content creation
- A panel of experts detailing social media advice and tips
- A round table discussion on working as a team
- A shopping list of vital equipment
- Media resources – websites with free or affordable tools to take your media presence to the next level
Click here to register for 2021 Broward Media Workshop Replay.
Are you questioning if, or even why, you should invest in digital media? We’re glad that you asked! Watch this brief video, “Why Invest in Digital Media.” Broward Church elder John Brush relates his own journey in coming to grips with the need to go to where the people are – online. John shares some of his “media misgivings” and specific ways he has come to appreciate sharing the gospel – digitally!