Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind! – Psalm 66:5
Many of us continue to have significant issues in our lives in 2021. And yet God is faithful. In many ways, 2021 has been a faith building and encouraging year for me. Today, I would like to review how powerfully God has worked in the In Motion Counseling ministry in 2021.
Most of us thought 2021 would show us the end of the pandemic, and life would return to normal – not so much. And yet, God never stops working in the lives of those He loves (all of us). Here are a few highlights of In Motion Counseling in 2021:
God innovates:
“Look at the nations and watch — and be utterly amazed. For I will do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told .– Habakkuk 1:5
I continue to offer and conduct many mental health workshops on zoom in the US and many other nations. As in 2020, I realized the power of zoom to do much of what I typically do by visiting churches and conducting weekend workshops (which I enjoy doing). While I still visited in-person in Vancouver, BC, and Dallas, TX, the rest of my work was done online.
One powerful event changed the course of my ministry in 2021. I’ve always wanted to produce a sustainable ministry (one that lasts a long time and impacts entire churches). Leaders in India, Lagos, and Kenya showed me how! I conducted personal Grief Journey groups on zoom for many leaders throughout those nations and then trained the participants/leaders to create the Grief Journey ministry in their families of churches. God showed me how to sustain an important ministry to affect many peoples and nations.
If you create space, God will fill it:
In September, along with other therapists, I was able to work at the Gateway to the Arctic camp in Alaska. We spent a week ministering to ministry staff who were experiencing burnout. Using spiritual disciplines, we offered them opportunities to connect with God in new and creative ways. Check out this video with Kyle Spears and Robert Carrillo on deeper spirituality.
Of course, I personally benefitted greatly from this experience. Spending copious times with God in the wilderness of Alaska, creating space for Him to speak, and calming my soul were invaluable experiences and something I’ve incorporated into my walk with Him. Check out this book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, by John Mark Comer. More on this in our January postings by Byron Parson. Here is Byron’s book, Walk This Way: The Spirit-Led Life.
This experience has helped me as I seek to finish my rewrite of Recovering Moving Forward, a book on recovery from anything that hinders our walk with God. The role of sabbath, silence, rest, restoration, and joy has enhanced other recovery aspects in the book. I hope to have this ready for publication in the Spring of 2022.
We humbly ask for your prayers and input in the coming year!
Warmest Regards and May God Bless You in 2022,
Timothy Sumerlin