As the US Campus Service Team, we are excited and inspired at how God is working to stir a spirit of revival in our US campus ministries. Our focus and goal is to Inspire, Train and Unify our campus ministries. Each US Regional Family has appointed leadership on the team who work together to influence all of our collective ministries. Our team has built strong relationships and camaraderie with each other. We learn from one another, encourage one another and dream together – with the vision of each creating that same spirit and faith with the campus leaders and ministries in our respective areas.

As a team we experienced a very high number of transitions this past year, and God has blessed it. We are very grateful for those who have served and moved on, while being very excited at those who have joined. Rob and Chelsea Novack (NYC) were elected as the new Chairmen. Other new members include Matt & Brielle Ruppert (NJY/NJ, replacing Novacks), Murvi Babalola and Mari Sawamura (New England), Ben and Melina Hutchins (ACR), Sam and Lindsay Heigerick (ACR), Maurice and Sissy Charles (Midwest), Kyle and Ally Saxton (Carolinas), as well as Armin and Megan Day (Rocky Mountains). We all met in person last month (Feb 2023) and had an incredible time planning ICMC 2023, bonding and growing together. See our full list of members here.

ICOC US Campus Service Team, February 2023.

The need and focus of 2022 was revival. The pandemic and wide range of challenges over the past few years uniquely impacted the campus ministry, where a majority of Christians are very young in the faith and don’t have the foundation of disciple families. However, we believe that throughout the Bible and church history God has worked through this processes of refinement, repentance and revival. We’ve been refined, now as we turn to God with renewed faith, focus, fervor and fellowship, we believe he will bring revival.

When we gathered in Orlando for our ICMC session in August we were overjoyed at not only the number of people (roughly 1400) but the spirit and energy of those gathered. Our theme was “Revival.” After many stirring messages we had dozens and dozens of students come on stage and share, “I will join the revival by…” with their decision and vision. It was inspiring.

Sharing at 2022 ICMC in Orlando, Florida.

Our refined US campus ministries of 2334 disciples are turning the tide. In 2022 we saw 518 people baptized into Christ with 11% growth (up from 5% in 2020). We are eager to bear fruit that will last. In 2022 we had 54 new men and women hired as campus ministers. Many young people are eager to lead and join in building God’s kingdom and we praise God for that.

To continue momentum and build unity, each Regional Family runs their own annual spring and/or fall retreats for their region. It is encouraged and often practiced to have each other (or other ministers from another regional family) come be the guest speakers. Some regional families (like New York and New England) even do their entire fall retreat combined. This helps tremendously with building unity. Along with that, each committee member coordinates their own regular times of connection with the ministers in their region.

Other objectives and victories include a US Campus Ministers Session to start our Spring semester together inspired and unified in January, which we will continue to do as a midway point between Conferences. We have launched a permanent website for all ICMC info, registrations, past content, committee members and more ( Our instagram ( is back up and running after four years inactive. We started a Youtube channel for posting recordings (ICOC Alpha Omega). We now have monthly good news videos by region that are posted there as well.

As far as needs and prayers for 2023 goes, please be praying for and promoting our 2023 ICMC in Norman Oklahoma, July 6-9. We are hoping to see even more people there than last year as we focus on our theme of “Build” – to build their life foundation on Jesus and be used by God to build his kingdom. We believe it will be an inspiring, life-changing time and are hoping each attendee will see some way God can use their passion, talents, and opportunities to serve him. We also have now solidified a full Campus Ministers Track into the ICMC format, which we are excited to continually develop.

2022 ICMC in Orlando, Florida.

Along with that, pray for all of our young Christians and new ministers to build a solid foundation and see miraculous growth. Eighty percent of our campus ministries are under 20 with very new ministers. We hope to see more groups get over 20 and these new young ministers grow for increased stability and glory to God. As we’ve seen in the past and are starting to see again – we are praying for “breakout ministries” who are truly led by the Spirit to remarkable growth. This past year we praised God for multiple campus ministries setting a great example in this.

For 2023 we are excited to see God continue to bring revival. He has only just gotten started. Our committee’s February meeting theme was “For His Glory.” Our aim is to keep everything we do for and by him, for apart from God we can do nothing. In him, we pray and believe that we will bring him glory by bearing much fruit, fruit that will last.