A milestone in our journey towards eternity! It seems like yesterday that a small group was gathered from different countries to begin a new salvation mission to the Middle East. On Sunday, the church celebrated its 25th anniversary in reaching the lost souls for Christ, and preparing citizens for heaven. We thank God for all the blessings bestowed upon our church throughout these years of ministry. And we thank the brothers and sisters who sacrificed their time and tithes to help us come this far!

By the grace of God, we have seen the growth, the transformation and dedication in the lives of our members. We praise God for all his goodness and mercy toward us. We remain confident that he will walk with us until the end of the journey. It was with great pleasure that we shared this joy with our brothers and sisters who came from Jordan, Egypt, UAE and the USA. An inspiring program was offered filled with praise, worship, thanksgiving and prayer. In addition, our guest speaker, Steve Morici, gave a powerful message “From Fearful to Faithful” who reminded us from Gideon’s example that God didn’t ask his people anything that they could not do with their human strength. God plans to do everything else. The victory is in God. We only need to continue obeying him to witness extraordinary outcomes from our ordinary efforts.