Ever wonder if you’ve taken a wrong turn on life’s path? Or get confused about where to go next? How do you get going in the right direction? How can you find the path to the life you were created to have? Psalm 23 maps this path, word by word, and it is right there in front of you!

 Imagine there was a guide who knew exactly the right path for your life. Even more importantly, he cared deeply about you and was willing to be with you to make sure you got to your right destination – even if it cost him his life. He would not only guide you but during the journey he would feed you, protect you, talk to you and meet your every need. That is exactly how David the psalmist describes God, the Good Shepherd.

Reading Psalm 23 is valuable, but understanding it is an entirely different matter. In this book we slow down and walk through this rich passage step by step, or word by word as we learn to follow the Good Shepherd through life. He is leading you and me to the amazing home he has prepared for us. Be patient, it will take a little time. Don’t rush and risk getting lost. The complete insight into a contented life with him is not revealed until the very last word. I promise you it will be worth the trip.

The above paragraphs are from the forward of my new book, A Life Changing Walk through Psalm 23. I have spent most of my career as a management consultant in the healthcare industry. Many years ago, when I was asked by my minister to lead a Bible talk, I searched for a spiritual leadership model. I knew that the corporate model I was used to was not a fit.

I found what I was looking for in Psalm 23. King David, the author of the psalm, had extensive leadership experience. However, rather than writing about battlefield or royal leadership, David wrote about how he led his beloved sheep as a young shepherd. Intrigued by the shepherding model, I visited sheep farms, interviewed shepherds and, drawing on numerous books, researched shepherding around the world. Over subsequent years I served in church leadership as a deacon, full-time minister and elder.

I concluded that every word in Psalm 23 is important to not just understand leadership, but how God, the Good Shepherd, wants his flock to live life. This book presents my findings, life experiences and conclusions drawing on one of the Bible’s most famous passages.

Click here to order.

About the author: John has been a disciple for 45 years and served as an elder in the North River Church of Christ for 20 years. He now lives in Gainesville, Florida with the Campus View Church.