All Spanish-speaking disciples are invited to the third Americas Workshop this Saturday, June 8th, on the topic of mental health. The upcoming workshop is part of a two-year plan to provide resources to Spanish-speaking disciples on topics like parenting, purity, counseling and more.
This program has been developed by elders, ministers, teachers, and brothers from different churches in South America, the Caribbean, Mexico, and the United States.
The Spanish Ministry of the New York City Church of Christ will collaborate by providing the coordination and hosting these workshops. All links will be available on the website (ministry website in Spanish).
For the upcoming lesson, Jorge and Patty Diaz from the Mexico City Church of Christ will be speaking on the topic of mental health based on their experience at the Grief Journey Ministry that they have been leading for the last five years. Jorge has already wrote a book on the topic.
Luz Martinez, women’s ministry leader at the Santo Domingo Church of Christ, will be also sharing a lesson related to “Guard Your Mind.”
Join us on Zoom on Saturday June 8, 2024 at 18.00pm (Eastern Time).
- Time: Jun 8, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- Join Zoom Meeting:
- Meeting ID: 883 4423 8498
- Passcode: 080015