Saddie and Beloved Mole (left) congratulate the appointment of Elder Mario and his wife, Emy (center) along with Patricia and Christian Escobar (right)

In February 2020, the Bolivia Church of Christ appointed Mario Montana (married to Emy) as an elder. Mario was charged to continue to serve the church and remain committed to biblical teachings, which he gladly and willingly accepted. He committed to be a good example in his marriage, work, and personal walk with God.

This appointment of an elder was the second in Bolivia’s church history. Without a doubt, it is a blessing to have elders who are willing to teach and help the church. It is a privilege that our church continues to grow in commitment and obedience, being an example of perseverance, faith, and spiritual growth to many. We are happy and grateful to God for His church, which blesses and fortifies our hearts.