Learn campus ministry in Portland! Explore training on one of metro Portland’s 15 college campuses with a total of approximately 130,000 students. The church was planted in Portland this past summer and there are many opportunities to learn campus ministry here.
You can be part of starting and growing a campus Bible talk. A component of that will be learning to study the Bible with students to prepare them for conversion to Jesus Christ. In addition, you will be learning how to nurture a campus ministry while learning to baptize. The goal is to teach you to have the faith to start and grow a campus ministry anywhere.
There are several campus ministry positions available in Portland, the state of Oregon and the NW family of churches. After training in Portland you may be interested in one of those campus ministry positions. While training in Portland there may be some support available.
Please contact us with any questions. Kelly Boyd: 951-234-4785, [email protected]; Cheryl Boyd: 858-761-1583, [email protected].