Editor’s note: The following is shared from ICOC HotNews. “Faith at Work” was the theme of a Christian Professional Conference hosted last month by the Johannesburg Church of Christ, South Africa. Harliem Salim (leader of the church in Jakarta, Indonesia) led a group of disciples from South-East Asia to help South African disciples and their friends in the business community understand their purpose in serving others as though they are serving Christ. There are many challenges facing disciples in the workplace in the 21st century. The lessons were fittingly focused on serving with excellence, integrity and mindfulness of the different roles expected of Christians at work and at home and how to find that elusive work-life balance. The conference was a great success and here is feedback from some of those who attended: “I learned that we should always strive to be content with our work and what we have; to thank God and trust him with what we need. While there’s nothing wrong with having money, the problem is how we react to it.” When you own a company or business, you should employ people based on their competence and not out of pity or because they are disciples. If you do that you are setting them up for failure and frustrations that can destroy them spiritually and affect your relationship with them. Finally, that money is a means to a goal and not an end to itself, and it gives us options to serve God more. We should let our light shine so people can know that we belong to God.” – Dr Elijah Nkosi “I learned that God’s love should flow out of me at work so that others can see God’s love through me. God wants to partner with me, my talents and my ability. God is the owner of our talent, it’s not mine. God hates it when we own it. We need to give him the glory. It’s not I, but God that did it through me.” – Thinus Maritz “I was impacted by the importance of treating everyone equal at work, whether they are disciples or not, and to give them all the same attention.” – SN Middel “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” – Colossians 3:23-24