Our 2017 ICOC Delegates meeting in Chicago represents an important mile marker for us as a global fellowship. It synthesized the recent collaborative efforts from 2500 leaders throughout 34 regional family discussions. Furnished with insights from these discussions, we assembled with broad consensus to reach the world for the gospel of Christ, to work together, and to communicate more effectively all along the way.

Please click below to see the presentations made at the 2017 Delegates Meeting by these Task Forces:
For more information on the written Task Force Options:
- Global Missions Task Force
- Conflict Resolution Task Force
- Structure Task Force
- Communications Task Force
- Finances Task Force
Click here to read the results of the 2017 Delegates meeting and the voting:
For more information on the ICOC 3.0 process:
- ICOC 3.0 FAQs
- ICOC 3.0 Update #1
- ICOC 3.0 Update #2
- ICOC 3.0 Update #3
- ICOC 3.0 Update #4
- ICOC 3.0 Discussion Questions
- ICOC 3.0 Regional Discussions Report
- List of Regional Chairmen and Delegates
- List of Service Team Chairmen and Members
- ICOC Leadership Timeline
For more information on the written Task Force Options:
- Global Missions Task Force
- Conflict Resolution Task Force
- Structure Task Force
- Communications Task Force
- Finances Task Force
Click here to read the results of the 2017 Delegates meeting and the voting:
For more information on the ICOC 3.0 process: