The ICOC teachers invite you to our first annual teaching ministry conference and forum. The conference will be Friday and Saturday, March 6-7, 2020 at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas. This conference is for anyone who is now doing the work of a teacher in our churches or anyone who aspires to be a teacher in the future. The conference will provide both inspiration to deepen our own spiritual lives and practical insight into how to build our local teaching ministries. We will also be exploring our narrative, past, present and future. Teachers include Steve Kinnard, Gordon Ferguson, Kay McKean, Suzette Lewis, Doug Jacoby, Valdur Koha, Gregg Marutzky, Ed and Deb Anton and many more. Click here to register or get more information, including a conference schedule.
The extended program, which we are calling the teacher’s forum will include Thursday and Friday AM, and will be at The Norris Conference Center in San Antonio. We will be hearing from teachers outside the ICOC to provide insight into finding a healthy narrative as we move forward together. Teachers include John Mark Hicks, Naomi Walters, Mark Love, Douglas Foster, Evertt Huffard, Edward Robinson and more. Click here for more information, for a schedule or to register.