One of our top priorities in dreaming of Disciples Today 4.0 was a new logo. Our previous logo was designed by Nato Soto of the Chicago Church of Christ. That logo served us well for over a decade, but we were excited about a fresh look. Last May, we put out a call for designers in our worldwide fellowship to submit ideas for the new logo of Disciples Today. We had a goal of including as many members of our family as possible in the process, and were very grateful for over 70 submissions from disciples in 15 countries.
About the design:
The new logo combines the lowercase letters “d” and “t” to create an image of the cross. A stylized cross is the dominant image, representing Christ. A subliminal image of a fish, as a brand, represents the mission “fishers of men,” with the use of round corners to make it more welcoming. (Early Christians often used the sign of the fish as a secret symbol to communicate with each other.)
About the designer:
Nathaniel Navarro of the Dublin Church of Christ created the winning design. Nathaniel is the head of design for a media production company in Dublin, Ireland and has 15 years of experience in the creative world. At age 16, he was invited out to church in the Philippines and became a Christian after three weeks of studying the Bible. Ten years ago, he and his wife Jocelyn moved to Dublin, where he enjoys serving the church through worship ministry and designing creative materials.