If you are planning to attend the 2023 Teleios Conference in person, your opportunity for the best registration rate is ending soon! The Early Registration period for the 2023 Teleios Conference ends on Monday, January 23rd. Beginning on Tuesday, January 24th, the in-person registration fee will increase by $25.
Please note that this price increase impacts only in-person registration. Online (virtual attendance) registration will remain at its current rate until the close of the conference.
This year’s Teleios Society conference will take place February 23-25, in Oklahoma City, OK at Oklahoma Christian University. Full details of our schedule, along with recommended hotels and airports can be found on our conference website:
The 2023 conference theme is “Gen Z: The Ongoing Conversation.” We have gathered thought leaders from different disciplines and different faith traditions to approach this discussion from many lenses, including cultural intelligence, current sociological research, family studies, adolescent development, psychology, youth ministry, and spirituality studies. Our hope is to engage thought leaders, scholars, church leaders, and youth and family ministers as we learn together how to better include and empower Gen Z in our faith communities. All who have an interest in this topic are welcome to join us, either in person or online.
Our current confirmed speakers and general themes:
- David Kinnaman (Barna Group): Gen Z and Resilient Discipleship
- Dudley Chancey, PhD (Oklahoma Christian University): Gen Z and The Role of Family
- Kyle Spears (Trauma Counselor): Gen Z and The Role of Community
- Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby, PhD (Abilene Christian University): Gen Z and Trauma-Informed Formation
- David Fraze, DMin (Lubbock Christian University): Gen Z and Youth Ministry
- Ryan Erbe, PhD (United States Military Academy): Gen Z and Meditation
- David Pocta, PhD (Oblate School of Theology): Gen Z and Faith Deconstruction
- Hannah DeSouza, Harvard Divinity Student: Gen Z from a Millennial’s Perspective
- Dan Rodriguez, PhD (Pepperdine University): Gen Z and Cultural Intelligence
- Nadine Templer (HOPE worldwide ): Gen Z and Their View of the Gospel
Register now: teleiosconference.com