The leadership of the Toronto Church of Christ sends greetings and goodwill to our brothers and sisters in the faith around the globe! We are experiencing exciting times in the congregation in Toronto, Canada, as God continues to raise up men and women to serve his church. On November 11, the whole church gathered together to witness the appointment of Kevin Robbins and Darrel Shaw as elders. They are recognized as shepherds, men of faith and maturity who have been called by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the role of overseers. They join Ed Bahula in this noble task. Also, at this historic service, Dr. Scott Warlow was appointed a teacher. Scott is known for his deep love of the scriptures and desire to use his gifts to serve the church. We request your prayers as we build by faith and the help of the Holy Spirit, a teaching ministry that will provide opportunities for deep Bible teaching, practical application and enriched faith for the maturing of the saints and ultimately, for the glory of God! All three of these couples, the Robbins, Shaws and Warlows were privileged to attend the Western Elders’ Conference, hosted by the Toronto Church in April of this year. They were taught, encouraged and inspired as they joined together with elders and wives from the US, Philippines, S. Korea and Canada in prayer, Bible study and fellowship. Great joy has been brought to the hearts of disciples in the Toronto Church as we are experiencing and celebrating Christ’s gifts to his church with these elder and teacher appointments: “ It was he who gave some to be…evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ .” – Ephesians 4:11-13 May God’s blessing and favor continue to be poured out abundantly on us all and may we in turn witness more souls won to him and for his glory!