The Peacemakers classes are back! Registration for our February and April sessions is now available here:

These classes will provide the participants the tools needed to proactively resolve their own interpersonal conflicts with those around them, and help others to learn how to do the same. With a “train-the-trainer” mindset, the goal is that those who attend this course will be able to go back and teach the material to others in their Regional Church Family. Therefore, it’s recommended that at least four representatives from each Regional Family attend.

In response to increased interest from churches in the Eastern Hemisphere, the February sessions will be held on Friday evenings 7–10pm Central Time, which will translate to morning start times for many of our churches. Our April sessions will take place on Saturday afternoons, 1-4pm Central Time.

Hosted by David Jung, RPC, Q.Med, and minister of the Winnipeg Church of Christ, these classes have received abundant praise from those who have attended so far, including this article from Brazil.

Interested in attending this class? Registration is done by Regional Family. Discuss with your Regional Family Chairman to see if this class would be a good fit for you. A full description of the course and all session topics can be found here: