Read about a dynamic conference held for 16 congregations in Florida

The format, the focus, and the feel of Florida’s 2018Discipleship Conference (FDC) in Orlando were. . . different. Friday night’s “I’m Making All Things New” was not merely a message title; the messengers of the bookend opening and keynote conference speeches were 30-year-old evangelists! Whether mature in faith or new to faith, all were called to trust God, throw away the idols, and serve the lord. Our Florida family of churches has conducted many a conference. Sam Laing recalled a 1967 Florida seminar, ground-breaking in the call to be totally committed to Jesus; it rocked his heart and his world. Similarly, 2018 FDC will mark a seismic shift that happened in hearts: for many a renewal of long-held devotion, for others discovery of fresh faith.
Over 1,400 conferencegoers from 16 congregations throughout Florida attended Saturday class sessions like “A New Humanity,” “A New Spirit” and“A New Commandment.” Conference planner stranded traditional class tracks (marrieds, campus, singles, and teens) through formulti-generational sessions. Most sessions had three teachers, each representing different life stages and voicing varied perspectives and experiences. Parents basked in an interruption-free, focused bible teaching environment and soaked in some sweet fellowship while their children whooped it up at the Kids Carnival. Over 100 volunteers monitored bounce houses and assisted in Lego building and craft making – providing childcare for 150 children. A good time was had by all!
Saturday night’s worship concert, “A New Song,” uniquely combined inspiration and instruction from scripture. Everyone was uplifted and biblically equipped to praise and glorify God in new ways, with a new, heartfelt song.
What does it really mean – a New Day? Eddie Francis, the elder for the Orlando Church of Christ, summed it up best during Sunday’s communion message. He shared some personal photos: the 1970s Afro that Eddie sported as a new Christian; the family photo of his grown children; the snapshot of young grandsons in their snappy Sunday-best suits. “What’s new for me today?” he asked. “What’s new is that I’m old, but my life’s meaning and purpose have not changed.” Reading from 2 Corinthians 5:14, Eddie reminded us that “Christ’s love compels us . . . What’s new today is that God still gives me a purpose,” a purpose for each new day.
You can listen to messages from this conference at
It was an incredible time of fellowship and learning together. Watch the video below that Broward church produced capturing the spirit of joy and hope they all experienced. Visit and like their Facebook Page!