God has been reaching out to Dr. Kenneth Baugh, a current member of parliament of Jamaica and former Deputy Prime Minister of Jamaica, and his wife, Vilma Baugh, over many years and in many ways. They have been outstanding Jamaicans by giving themselves sacrificially to their country.
Their goodness and devoutness were not sufficient enough to save them; they needed to be saved by the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for all people and to respond to that sacrifice by repentance. Over 23 months of visiting the church with their son, Gregory, they realized their need for true repentance more and more. Gregory and Simone serve in the ministry in the Kingston Church of Christ (KCOC). The sermons convicted their hearts, the rich fellowship invited them into the kingdom of God, and the prayers of the saints opened their eyes to their need to become a part of God’s family.
The need became even more urgent when it was discovered that Dr. Baugh had developed a brain tumor. The day it was diagnosed, Dr. Baugh informed Greg and Simone that he and Vilma had talked at great length, even before this illness, about making Jesus Lord of their lives and becoming members of God’s church and they wanted to know how to do so. They prayed and studied with Gregory, Simone, Courtney Bailey and Peter Swaby. They learned about sin and how it separated man from God, and his plan of salvation. It was evident that they had been transformed by the word of God over a long period of time and were at the point of surrender and ready to call on the name of the Lord. The next day, disciples gathered at the Baugh’s daughter’s home where Ken and Vilma were baptized into Christ.
Ken is scheduled for brain surgery on Friday, November 13, 2015. Pray that God gives him many more years with us so that he can testify about the love of God and his plan to save people from their sins. Pray also for Ken and Vilma’s growth and progress in the Lord.