The Asia Pacific Leadership Academy (APLA) class on Paul’s ministry and letters was recently held on September 21–23, 2018 in Manila, Philippines. Taught by ICOC teachers Gordon Ferguson and Rolan Monje, it was an intense two and a half day immersion into Paul’s examples on doing mission work and gaining wisdom in Practical Ministry. It culminated with a worship service and graduation ceremony on the last day. Head teacher and former Dean “Papa” Gordon Ferguson preached a very heart-moving communion message. The event was extra memorable as it coincided with APLA’s 10th year anniversary. One of the highlights during the three-day journey is how the disciples showed their love, affection and appreciation to the endearing Gordon Ferguson. ‘Papa’ Gordon, as he is fondly called by Filipino disciples, is well-loved and looked upon by many individuals and families in the International Churches of Christ community. He has imparted many life lessons, taught sound doctrine and deep teachings from the Bible. The graduation ceremony honored 13 students who earned their Certificate in Biblical Studies, five who got their Diploma for Christian Studies and another five students who received Further Diploma in Christian Studies.

To date, APLA has witnessed and progressed a total of 79 students who earned Certificates in Biblical Studies, 68 students who graduated with Diplomas for Christian Studies and seven persevering students who received their Further Diplomas. The Deanship of APLA was passed on by Gordon Ferguson to ICOC Philippines congregational teacher Rolan Monje. Meanwhile, his wife Weng Monje serves as APLA’s Admin and Registrar. May God continue to bless APLA as it aims to empower, train and teach disciples, ministers and church leaders to further their knowledge and convictions in the word of God. To God be all the glory!