We are at the time of transformative change in North America and our family of cooperative churches. As we enter the third decade of the twenty-first century, we are at a real crossroads. We are at the most transformative time in human history. The unprecedented changes in society over the past 60 years will undoubtedly be exponentially eclipsed by the changes that the next 30 years promise. The choices that we make in these tumultuous and terrific times will have a multigenerational impact.

The DFW Church and Potomac Valley Church have hosted an intentional series of conversations across three generations of North American church leaders about the Future of Faith in our fellowship. We were founded as a missional community with a robust missional theology based on Matthew 28. We need to remember where we come from and think about where we are going. We benefit by not reacting to today’s concerns but instead chasing God’s vision for tomorrow. In light of this, we propose one that integrates Matthew 22 (love God and love your neighbor), Matthew 25 (serve all people with equity), and Matthew 28 (make disciples and change the world where you live) in our 21st-century vision as a fellowship. Such an approach promises to offer a unified framework for local, national, and global cooperation while providing flexibility for local implementation. We have great confidence that God will guide us as we seek him.

Let us be like the men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what to do in their context. Now is the time for us to rise to the occasion with renewed faith and new courage to meet the moment. May God bless our next steps.

Find the Future of Faith videos here on YouTube.