To all of our sisters around the world,
Each of us feels honored to have been chosen to serve on the Women’s Service Team, a sisters’ group initiated by the International Churches of Christ Cooperation delegates to identify and make recommendations regarding the needs of our worldwide women’s ministries.
Women all over the world need and desire spiritual support, and no one can offer that support better than other women. There will always be a need for greater faith and in-depth teaching by women to meet the needs of our sisters and to reach the billions of women around the world who desperately need to know Jesus. Now, more than ever there is a great need for effectiveness and for more sisters to rise to the challenge of making a lasting and profound impact in our homes and in the world.
With this in mind, the Women’s Service Team has begun discussing several goals we hope to accomplish within the coming year. They are:
- To plan the women’s portion of the International Leadership Conference in a way that will meet the training needs of new leaders as well as inspire and challenge to greater faith those who have been serving in the full-time ministry for many years.
- To identify ways women’s ministries can effectively target areas that may have been neglected, such as needs unique to wives, mothers, single moms, older women, and women married to non-Christian husbands.
- To help sisters around the world gain stronger convictions and greater understanding of our roles as women through deeper study of the Bible and prayer.
- To recommend resources such as books, quiet times and audio sermons to meet specific needs and to promote better communication and access to teaching and training tools on websites, a women’s section at Disciples Today and other media.
We will be communicating by conference call on the first Monday of each month, and we genuinely ask for your prayers for every call. We value your input on these topics and any other needs you may see and encourage you to communicate with any one of us at any time. The chairwoman of this committee will serve for two years and the other team members will serve for at least one year.
Our prayer is that through our combined effort, more and more women will be empowered to “become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life.” (Philippians 2:15-16)
The Women’s Service Team
Robyn Williams, chairwoman
[email protected]
Anne-Brigitte Taliferro [email protected]
Nadine Templer [email protected]
Gloria Baird [email protected]
Terrie Fontenot [email protected]
Tammy Fleming [email protected]
Laura Garcia Laura Garcia/ChNts@ChNts
Joyce Arthur [email protected].
Jeanie Shaw Jeanie Shaw/ChNts@ChNts
Elizabeth Sin [email protected]
Lena Wooten [email protected]
Rolayo Ogbonnayo [email protected]
Karen Louis [email protected]