The ICOC Minister Wellness Committee invites you to our next webinar on February 8, entitled “Healthy Spiritual Leadership for the 21st Century,” featuring an important lesson from Dr. Gregg Marutzky.
Leadership in the world today presents many challenges on many levels. Leadership in secular and religious circles has been under scrutiny and attack, sometimes unfairly and cruelly, and sometimes for good reasons. Navigating the changes in the world and the church is fraught with danger. Therefore, the need for healthy spiritual leadership is greater than ever. Dr Marutzky has spent a lifetime practicing and studying the art and science of leadership. This class promises to provide helpful encouragement and direction to navigate the tensions of providing healthy leadership in our congregations today. Join us for an informative, inspiring study of leadership from above.
Join us on February 8, 2024 at 9am Central Time. Click here to register.