At the beginning of September, the Heartland family ofchurches gathered in Kansas City for our first region-wide conference in nine years. The Heartland “Jubilee” was attended by over 1,000 disciples from the nine churches that make up the region. The Jubilee’s theme this year was “Build,” aswe renewed our focus as a region to plant more churches in the states ofArkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
God is stirring the hearts of the disciples. We celebrated ourfirst joint collection for the Heartland Missions Society, which will fund ourfuture church plantings. We also celebrated the hiring of Arlee and MaggieButterfield to help strengthen the church in Springfield, Missouri, as well as ourplans and hopes to send disciples and financial aid to the church in LittleRock, Arkansas, and to eventually plant a new church in Lincoln, Nebraska. We closedthe weekend dreaming about planting even more churches in the future. There wasa spirit of unity towards this effort that was inspiring, as shown by the 20 to 30 disciples that stayed for a meeting to consider moving to the aforementionedchurches and plantings.
Please continue to pray for the Heartland family as we hope andwait for God to move on our behalf!