God is on the move in South Dakota! My name is Shannon Van Zee, and together with my wife Janella and daughter Daniella, we are excited to officially announce our move to Sioux Falls, South Dakota and the beginning of a house church in the city. We just recently transitioned to Sioux Falls to help start what we believe is God’s desire to see people here come to a great relationship with him. Sioux Falls is the largest and most influential city in the state and region, a city with a thriving economy and growing diversity.
But long before this God has been at work. Leading up to this move, he has been opening up many doors to make this happen. First, he opened up the door of my heart. Our fellowship of churches used to have a congregation in Sioux Falls but there hadn’t been a church in the city for several years. So it was about 10 years ago while living in Texas that I really began praying for my home state, that God would send someone there to continue the work, but “not me.” As I kept praying, though, God changed my heart and I started thinking, “Why not me? Why not my family?” He changed me and gave me a heart for the people of Sioux Falls and a region with no church from our ICOC family of churches. Secondly, God opened the door of fellowship. We were encouraged by a few friends to first move up to the Omaha Church of Christ and start building relationships with brothers and sisters that were closer to Sioux Falls, much closer than Texas! We did, and have had a great four years in the Omaha church building and deepening relationships with disciples there. Most recently, however, we have also seen incredible doors of fellowship and encouragement open with the Midwest family of churches, specifically in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin, as we have started developing growing relationships there and we have felt their complete support and love in addition to that of the Omaha church.

And lastly, God has been opening up physical doors to Sioux Falls this summer. First, I was able to secure a full-time job in my professional focus as a physical therapist, even though this is a saturated market. I was initially told by a health professions recruiter that he could only get me an interview for a job an hour away in neighboring Minnesota! Secondly, God allowed us to find an affordable, centrally-located home to rent in the heart of the city near its two university campuses. Last but not least, he provided much-appreciated financial support from the Omaha church to allow us to relocate to our new home and mission field. Now that we are settled in Sioux Falls we would like to let everyone know that they can inform any family, friends, and others about our house church and that all needed information can be found on our website at greatplainschurchofchrist.org. In closing, if God is putting it on YOUR heart to move to Sioux Falls and join us in this endeavor, we welcome you to call or contact us with questions or thoughts or plans to come visit. I can be reached by email at [email protected] or phone/text at 712-420-2487. We look forward to seeing what God has planned for this city and region! Please pray for us and Sioux Falls.