Mr. Chiu Kapik is the father-in-law of our sister in Christ, Betty, who currently belongs to the “women under the cross ministry” in the US. Having been married to his wife for 60 years, Mr. Chiu is father and grandfather to many. Over the years, he and his wife were deeply moved by Betty’s faithfulness in Christ, which has remained unwavering. He and his wife, however, never quite received the calling.
Several years ago, the couple returned to Hong Kong, having done their part in the raising of their grandchildren. Under the guidance of Betty, the two ended up at one of the Hong Kong Church of Christ ’s IMAX elderly ministry in the Island Region, where God inspired senior disciples to reach out to them, prompting them to commit to the church and study the Bible.
Despite hearing and memory difficulties brought about by old age, Mr. Chiu remained steadfast in seeking answers in his Bible studies, humbly asking where he did not understand. Upon studying the concept of sin, Mr. Chiu met a hurdle: he had lived a good life, in which he was given loving sons and daughters; what “sin” is there, he asked? Discussions revealed self-centeredness, pride and inconsiderateness in his character, which translated into sins that he decided to repent of. Since then, he has lovingly held his wife’s hand to sleep, sent his apologies to family across the ocean, and reached out to strangers on the streets in the cold, while his prayers granted him so much peace that he no longer seeks out sleeping pills to tend to his insomniac nights. Mr. Chiu was baptized into Christ on January 26, 2019. Hearing of this, his granddaughter living in the US as well as his son’s family in Singapore flocked to the occasion on three days’ notice, rejoicing deeply in Mr. Chiu’s conversion. Mr. Chiu’s repentance and change profoundly influenced his family, prompting Mrs. Chiu to engage in Bible studies with sisters from the church.

Mrs. Chiu is a lady of generosity, a character which has earned her considerable numbers of friends and has given her the reputation synonymous with a giver. During the early stages of her Bible studies, she suffered from hearing and memory deterioration, a result of old age, which was a discouragement to her commitment. When her partner Mr. Chiu started repenting and was eventually baptized, he rediscovered ways of loving his wife, taking her on quiet times and helping her understand the truth in the Bible. Changes started to occur in Mrs. Chiu – behind the generous and giving identity that she once held proudly, she discovered the multitudes of sins in her life, and thus began humbly seeking, learning and following the truth like a child, even humbly seeking forgiveness from her husband. Every night before bed, she lay her burdens upon God, and soon discovered that she had ceased the need to take sleeping pills for serenity, because she had found true peace in her heart.
Three months after her husband’s baptism, Mrs Chiu was baptized into Christ on April 3, 2019. At her baptism came unexpected visitors – her son and his wife from Singapore took a trip to bear witness, as well as Betty, her other daughter-in-law living in the US, bringing along children of her own. It was so touching to witness the moment of an elderly husband disciple being able to baptize his wife of 60 years, as both are in their 80s. Before their eyes, a husband and wife of 60 years found true union in God, embracing in pure bliss. It was truly an emotional scene to witness.
We hope the story of Mr. & Mrs. Chiu brings you inspiration. To God be the glory!