“All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace in all its truth.” – Colossians 1:6
Just three short years ago, 300 gathered for the Campus Conference in San Antonio, Texas. That mustard seed grew to 1,500 participants in Baton Rouge this last summer. Our campus ministries are growing quickly, and the fires of revival are spreading. We are excited to announce that the 2009 Int’l Campus Conference will be held in 17 cities in 16 different countries! The theme of the conference this year is ‘The Whole World Will Know’! While a few of these cities had campus events last year, most of these cities are hosting international campus conferences for the very first time. In the United States both east and west coast sites will be having the conference August 6th-9th. Although many sites around the world will be conducting the conference during the same dates of the U.S sites for simulcast purposes it is not necessarily practical for all these sites. The important thing is to know that in 2009, 17+ conferences will be happen focusing on campus ministry.
These 2009 venues include:
- Norfolk, Virginia, USA (East Coast Site)
- Los Angeles, USA (West Coast Site)
- Johannesburg, South Africa
- Nairobi, Kenya
- Lagos, Nigeria
- Mexico City, Mexico
- Guatemala City, Guatemala
- Santiago, Chile
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Singapore
- Australia (City TBA)
- Bangalore, India
- Bergen, Norway
- Budapest, Hungary
- Berlin, Germany
- Kiev, Ukraine
- One city that cannot be named.
- 2 other nations are still considering…
Please pray for the campus ministries around the world and for this year’s 2009 conference to reach and inspire more hearts than any other campus ministry conference before it. We desire for the whole world to know the gospel and for this next generation of disciples to spread the gospel farther and to more people than those who have preached it before. The ‘whole world will know’ that there is a God who loves them and offers them eternal life through Jesus Christ! This year promises to have the greatest attendance ever as over 16 different countries and more to come will be focusing on building campus ministries in their city. We will be simulcasting simultaneous conferences on August 6th-9th with several other cities doing conferences at the same time. Let us pray for God to do even more than we can ask or imagine in 2009 in the campus ministries around the world!