On behalf of the Elders, Evangelists and Teachers Service teams we want to thank so many that have been involved in the 3.0 process over the past few years, and those that gathered with us in Orlando March 12–16. The ICOC Service Teams, the Chairmen couples from our 34 families of churches, and a majority of our ICOC 3.0 Task Force members were able to meet in Orlando to present and review the results of months of work on behalf of our fellowship. It was a time to listen, pray, learn, and share perspectives on the options as we move Forward by Faith. Our time together was spent almost entirely on reviewing the updated proposals and giving public feedback and perspective to the various Task Forces as they continue to refine their work. We have now reached the point where the various proposals from our five task forces are being sent to the Delegates, Regional Chairs, and Service Teams for final input from you and your church leaders. We are requesting that all feedback be sent back to the Task Force Chairmen so that final revisions can be made. The deadline for all final feedback is June 1. Please be sensitive to this date, as we need to finish the proposals and then distribute for consideration, prayer, and fasting. Between July 1 and October 1 our delegates, in conjunction with the leaders in their region, can prayerfully consider the various options that have been presented regarding: Structure, Missions, Finances, Communication, and Peacemaking (Conflict Resolution), and be ready to cast a vote in Panama City, October 2-3. With that process in mind, we would ask each of you to do three things:
- Please be sure to read and watch all the material
- Please send your input to the various Task Force Chairmen.
- Please circulate this to the evangelists and elders in your region.
It is amazing that it has been three years since we took the first survey, a whole year since the Dallas discussions, and then the Delegates’ meeting in Chicago last October. Over 2,500 leaders from around the world have given prayerful input throughout this process. God did incredible things to build our unity in Chicago and in Orlando and in just a few months we will gather in Panama to help write the next chapter in our history. Thanks again for your time, thoughts, and prayers as we move Forward by Faith – together! Walter Evans (Elders Service Team) Douglas Arthur (Evangelists Service Team) Ed Anton (Teachers Service Team)