The Structure Task Force would like to thank all the brothers and sisters who have shown their support by praying and joining the discussions regarding ICOC 3.0. Several of you have accepted the challenge and are sharing your passion and insight by becoming a part of one of the three Subgroups tasked with further developing the three models voted on in October. The deadline for general input on these models is December 1, 2017.
Subgroup Chairmen:
Model B: Valdur Koha [[email protected]]
Model C: Ed Anton [[email protected]]
Model D: Ron Quint [[email protected]]

Each Subgroup has a working team to refine its particular model. Selected by the Subgroup chairman, each team will be involved in conference calls as they seek God’s guidance through prayer and healthy collaboration.
However, we know there are brothers and sisters who want to contribute to this work. We want to encourage you to reach out to the chairman of the Model of your choice and share your thoughts and ideas by giving your feedback and input. As announced at the Chicago Delegates Meeting and published in the ICOC 3.0 Update #5, the last date for each Subgroup to get feedback and input from you is December 1, 2017. We want to hear from you.
Here is the Delegates Meeting summary video: