Last year was a great year for the Administrative Service Team (AST). Many of our churches continue to dream and implement new policies and procedures in the post-Covid world to support minister wellness and congregational growth. The team was able to support one another with ideas, sample policies, and advice on how to best handle these changes.
Over the last several years the AST has hosted webinars for administrators on a range of topics including retirement, benefits, and systems and technology.
Additionally, this year, a committee of the AST finalized a sample compensation model built within the Korn Ferry framework for churches within our fellowship to use as a basis if they need help determining appropriate pay based on job complexity and location (see image below). On top of this model a digital web app of the tool was released to several churches to allow them to evaluate a job’s complexity and model salary.

There is still much to be done. After a season of greater focus on the bulk of work within our own churches, the team is looking forward to the upcoming sessions to re-engage with building tools and services to make administration easier for those who serve the churches in this manner from both a paid and volunteer basis.
An ongoing focus for 2024 is promoting and aiding administrator talent pipelines. As in many segments of the church, the increasing average age of the team is perpetually encouraging us to seek out new people with a dream and heart for administration and then training them to serve in the churches.
The ICOC Administration Service Team
Bobby Ritter (New York), Co-Chair
Brian Gross (St. Louis), Co-Chair
Cheryl Kaplan (Northern Virginia)
Gary Slebodnick (Boston)
Christen McDuffee (Boston)
Paul Ramsey (Austin)
Vivian Hanes (Atlanta)
Ray Schalk (San Diego)
Yvonne Burch (Seattle)
John Beene (Houston)