In line with the celebration of the International Women’s Month in March, the ICOC Philippines Women’s Ministry went out of their way to be “better for God” as they acted out in faith by embracing what God has originally designed them to do and more. These sisters have given their families, the church and the community great support, love and deeper meaning all for the glory of God.
The sisters of the ICOC Philippines bonded physically and spiritually as they served the community, increased their learning and depth on the God’s Word, reached out to the lost and those in need, and deepened their relationships with one another.
These women are truly special in God’s eyes. They were made for a purpose specifically to be ‘suitable helpers’ to men. They were meant to be vitally important in complimenting, completing and supporting them…not as lesser beings but as equals, working side by side.
The many facets of these women reveal themselves to be:
- A Deborah who leads by example, a partner in every endeavor, a wind beneath otherpeople’s wings in achieving great things for God.
- A Mary who sits at the Lord’s feet, committed and devoted to listening to every word of our Lord God.
- A Martha– committed to God to serve wholeheartedly. Distracted she may seem, but every detail of her everyday life is an act of worship.
- A Ruth, loyal and true, who will go wherever God wants her to go.
- An Esther, who is selfless and puts other’s needs before her own. Someone who will sacrifice time, resources and own wants for the benefit of many.
- A Sarah, quiet and gentle in spirit, submissive to her husband and fully surrendered to the Lord.
- And of course, a Tabitha (Dorcas), who serves Jesus by serving the poor and needy, continuously doing practical works of mercy and displaying deep empathy for others.
We celebrate womanhood in the ICOC Philippines by being better for God through:

Other activities included a women’s forum, inspirational talks and special devotionals; a brother’s encouragement night and re-commitment of our role as women; an outreach program by visiting a women’s shelter and hospital; a tea party with inspirational talks, and having Bible talks in the workplaces, campuses and different “barangays” (districts). “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” – Proverbs 31:30-31 (NIV) And to God be all the glory! #BetterForGod #ICOCPhilippinesWomen’sMinistry