Tim Sumerlin of In Motion Counseling is holding two online training sessions for anyone who wishes to be trained in leading local groups in their churches: the Recovery Journey (Saturday, February 24) and the Grief Journey (Saturday, March 9).

The Recovery Journey training

The Recovery Journey is for anyone with anything that interferes with your walk with God. With Jesus at the center of our recovery, we find safety and effective help for our greatest needs. We all have areas of our lives that are out of sorts and bother us, from addictive sins such as pornography to alcohol and drugs, relationship issues that may isolate and embitter the heart, or the lingering effects of family dysfunction. Still others struggle with anger, bitterness, guilt, as well as character issues. Anyone with anything can benefit from the Recovery Journey. This book and training provides Jesus-centered inspiration, effective resources, and the latest research-based information to get on a sustainable pathway to getting better.

The Recovery Journey training will be on Saturday, February 24 at 11 AM ET. Please check your local time. Join our free training to learn how to lead a group or attend just for yourself. Click here for the Zoom link or go to www.inmotioncounseling.org.

The Grief Journey training

We all deal with grief – either personally or we have friends who do. The Grief Journey is about both personal grief and how we can help each other during the most challenging times of our lives. Topics such as engaging grief, God’s heart for the griever, relational aspects of grief, and managing social grief will be covered. The book, The Grief Journey: Finding Peace in All of Life’s Losses will be used.

The Grief Journey training will be on Saturday, March 9th at 12 PM ET. Please check your local time. Join our free training to learn how to lead a group or attend just for yourself. Click here for the Zoom link or www.inmotioncounseling.org.

Dr. Timothy Sumerlin has been a disciple for 41 years. Tim lives in Denver, Colorado with his wife Jackie – they have been married 37 years. They have two children (Danielle and Tim), and a brand-new granddaughter, Elsa. Tim has worked as a counselor for over 30 years and is an adjunct professor at the University of Denver. He is the dean of the Counseling Program at the Rocky Mountain School of Ministry and Theology, as well as an elder in the Denver Church of Christ.

Tim is the director of In Motion Counseling, which includes workshops and training for grief, recovery, contemplative practices, and other mental health issues. He has authored four books, Recovery Moving Forward: The Healings, The Grief Journey: Finding Peace in All of Life’s Losses, The Recovery Journey: Jesus’ Heart for the Hurting, and The Journey of the Soul, Finding Peace Through Spiritual Disciplines. Go to www.inmotioncounseling.org for more information.