We are determined to create a space for everyBODY at the World Discipleship Summit in Orlando. We are proud to partner with Inclusive Impact Initiative (formerly Chance2Dance) to provide the Summit Lounge as a place for parents or guardians to leave a child or adult with exceptional abilities in a supervised environment during the Family Conference, August 4-6, 2022.
To enroll your child or dependent, please fill out this Google Form.
This service will be made available at no cost to our attendees thanks to a generous donation from the Los Angeles Church of Christ. We thank LAICC for their support of the WDS2022 as well as families and guardians of exceptional children.

The Summit Lounge will be a fully inclusive and accommodative experience for children, youth, and adults with varying needs and disabilities. Each participant will be matched and paired with a buddy/volunteer that will be led by a team leader. Depending on the needs of your dependent, they could have a 1:1, 2:1, or 4:1 group size ratio.
Exceptionalities include but are not limited to Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Learning Disability, Developmental Disability, ADD/ADHD, Emotional or Behavioral Disorder, Deaf, Blind, Verbal, Non-verbal, and other exceptionalities
There will be four focused /Impact Zones’ for participants to interact and immerse themselves in. Each zone has been specifically and intentionally designed to accommodate a variety of needs- we aim to create a welcoming atmosphere in a safe space with people who value and embrace your loved ones.
Quiet Zone – The Quiet Zone will be separated from the rest of the Summit Sensory Room. It will be a safe outlet for when the individuals feel overwhelmed. This room will be separated from the other lounge zones. It will have multiple textured seating options, sensory-stimuli shag carpets, weighted blankets, headphones, aromatherapy, soothing sounds, and multi-colored light fixtures.
Sensory Zone – The Sensory Zone will provide a large variety of sensory-friendly toys that will help with stress relief, enhance focus and creativity, and provide a calming, soothing, and relaxing place for participants with disabilities. This area can provide relief from the child being overwhelmed or experiencing sensory overload. Playing with the specially-designed toys will help relieve anxiety and promote clarity.
Interactive Zone – Assistive technology makes things possible. We all benefit from technology, but some people with disabilities require technology to participate, show what they know, or be more independent. The Interactive Zone offers plenty of room for creative activities with iPads and appropriate Apps, switch activated and lifesize toys, as well as a TV for movies.
Proprioceptive Zone – The Proprioceptive Zone is a space that allows participants to explore at their own ‘speed’. This area focuses on vestibular activities and creative expression, including all physically interactive elements: tumbling mats, crash mats, trampolines, ball pits, and physical manipulatives to enhance movement and participation and appropriate behavioral responses.
To enroll your child or dependent, please fill out this Google Form.
To register for the WDS2022 in Orlando, or for any other questions, please visit worlddiscipleshipsummit.com.