Study #1: The Word of God


It is a good idea to start this study with a great talk about each other’s spiritual or religious background. Like Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 2:8, we are not only sharing the gospel, but our lives as well. The more you get to know about their personal background, the more you will be able to help them apply the scriptures to their life. Without sounding like an interrogator, find out more about them, such as: their religious upbringing; whether or not they presently attend a church; their thoughts or convictions about God and the Bible, etc. Again, the more you can get to know them, the more you can help them. Make sure you share about your own life as well, so that they can get to know you.

This specific study will focus on the most important key to knowing God and knowing the truth about God—the Bible. It is important to not rush past this study, assuming they already have a deep conviction about following God’s Word. The purpose of this study is to help your friend establish the Bible as God’s Word and God’s standard for their life.

You can start by sharing how the Bible has impacted your life over the years. Then let them know you would like to share some things you have learned about the Word that have particularly helped you.

Proof of the Word

• For years many have discounted the Bible holding that it cannot be trusted as reliable. However, history and archaeology tell us otherwise. Before we even open the Word, let’s just talk about some historical facts supporting its authenticity.• Historical Testing: These are the five primary tests that archaeologists and historians use to help determine whether any ancient manuscript is factual.

  • Test of Handwritten Copies…there are more ancient copies of the Bible than any other ancient manuscript
  • Test of Geography…Biblical manuscripts spread throughout the entire known world.
  • Test of Time…the writing, copying and spreading began around 1500BC and has never ended.
  • Test of External References…thousands of references to the scriptures from outside sources
  • Test of Archaeology…not one archaeological find has ever contradicted the Word, but thousands have supported it.

Even today, the Bible has been translated into more languages than any other book in history. 

Other facts about the Bible:

– Over 40 authors and 66 different books
– 3 languages—Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek
– Over 1500 year period or writing
– One common thread of God’s relationship to man holding it all together—amazing!
– Approximately 400 prophecies regarding Jesus in the Old Testament were fulfilled in the New Testament

[Note: For more information on Historical Manuscripts and Evidence of the Bible, see attachments A and B. You may also consult The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell.]

• Let’s see what the Bible says about itself in this regard:

2 Peter 1:20-21 Men wrote the Bible, but they were “carried along by the Holy Spirit.” If God were to inspire a book, this is the kind of impact it would have!

Disciples Today Video: “Can You Trust the Bible?”

The Purpose of the Word

So the Bible is from God, but what is it for?

2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17

  • It is useful for us to live righteous lives and completely equip us for every good work

1 TIMOTHY 4:16

  • It is crucial for salvation

ROMANS 10:17

  • It helps us to know and believe in God and Jesus

The Power of the Word

HEBREWS 4:12-13

  • The word can cut deep within our lives and reveal our hearts to God.

JOHN 8:31-32

  • If we hold to the Word, we will know the truth and be set free.


  • Jesus’ words have the power to “sustain all things.”


MARK 7:5-13

  • Priority over people and traditions (pastors, parents, friends, denominations, etc.)

Acts 17:10-12

  • Priority in our daily lives

JOHN 12:47-48

  • Eternal priority, as we will be judged according to the Word

Concluding Questions and Comments:

  • Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God?
  • What role do you think the Bible should play in your life?
  • What can you change in order to make it that way?
  • Will you agree to read the Bible daily?

Encourage them to imitate the Bereans and read the Bible every day in order to form solid convictions. It is always a good idea to give them the assignment to review the entire study on their own. Remember, your goal is not just to “go through the studies” with them, but rather to help them develop their own convictions from God’s Word.

VIDEO: “Can you Trust the Bible? A look at Messianic Prophecies (DT Video)