Creating an evangelistic study series is no simple task. How does one decide which topics and scriptures to include and which to exclude? Should the series be comprised of only the Biblical “essentials” of salvation? What are those essentials? And what role does the religious and personal background of the prospective convert play in these questions? Can there be a study series that would fit any person from any background? One might ask, “What is the value of creating such a series in the first place?” These are just some of the questions that must be considered before any attempt to create such a series is made.

It is this author’s opinion that an evangelistic study series can be extremely helpful in leading the lost to Jesus. It is helpful in training, equipping, and directing disciples to bring their friends to Christ. At the same time, it can be harmful. While the gospel is for all, a specific approach taken in a study series may not be. Every disciple must constantly search the scriptures, consider the needs of the friends they are instructing, and pray for wisdom so they can effectively lead those friends to a relationship with God.

The following study series is simply one approach to helping others find the joys of a real and lasting relationship with God. It is designed to include the basic Biblical doctrines that will be helpful in such a conversion process, while appealing to the common American experiences and backgrounds. While the Word itself cannot be compromised or changed, this study series may need to be in order to help someone become a true Christian. It may need to be augmented with other studies to help some, or to be streamlined into fewer studies to help others.

Here is an overview of the studies contained in the “Knowing God” series:

Pre-Study: Seeking God Talk—A guideline to have a genuine talk with someone to inspire them to seek a deeper relationship with God by studying the Bible.

Study #1: The Word of God—An overview of the role the Bible should play in our lives and in our approach to God.

Study #2: The Son of God—An inspirational look at Jesus, as the author and perfecter of our faith.

Study #3: The Sin of Man—An honest look at the heart of man and God’s thoughts on sin and righteousness.

Study #4: The Grace of God—A heart moving study of the incredible gift of God’s grace and the price of that grace, in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

Study #5: The Lordship of Jesus—A challenging overview of the response that the cross deserves and the commitment that God expects from those who would follow him.

Study #6: The Plan of Salvation—An exhaustive study on how to become a true Christian.

Study #7: The Church of Jesus—An inspiring and informative study about what Jesus intended his church to be.