The Knoxville Church is seeking a minister/ministry couple to collaboratively lead alongside our elders and Core Team and our growing family of nearly 70 disciples. Most of our members are experienced disciples, but we also have a mix of teens, younger adults and college students. Knoxville is a beautiful city nestled in the Smoky Mountains with a growing metropolitan population of over 850,000 people. The center of Knoxville is the University of Tennessee and its 28,000 college students. Some qualifications we are seeking:
- A vibrant walk with God
- Deep spiritual partnerships
- A desire for a collaborative leadership culture
- A passion to teach and preach God’s word
- Experience in the full-time ministry
- Experience in a growing campus ministry
We are seeking passionate and humble leaders who will help us strengthen our current members, grow our church, and impact the great city of Knoxville and its surrounding area.
Please visit our webpage for more information and to submit a cover letter and resume: