Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn (https://youtu.be/30zvnQLmkzc) is the inventive and descriptive title for the second annual International Teaching Ministry Conference coming up September 15-18, 2022 in Tallinn, Estonia.
This conference is meant for anyone whose dream it is to contribute to the health and strength of God’s church. Not only for teacher-types, but this conference is also for anyone aspiring to leadership or already serving in any kind of leadership role, for anyone interested in pastoral care, for anyone who values quality Biblical teaching.
The centerpiece of last year’s event was a block of teaching led by the African Teachers’ Group, which has set an inspiring example in recent years of developing a continental and highly collaborative teachers group.

Highlights of this year’s Teaching Ministry Conference are:
- The emphasis on the themes of humility and collaboration. Gregg Marutzky of Antelope Valley, California will open the conference with one of the two keynote speeches, “The Heart of One Who Learns,” and Rolan Monje of Manila, Philippines will close the conference on Sunday morning with the other, “The Heart of One Who Teaches.”
- Saturday morning’s program, devoted to Men and Women Teaching Together; Men Teaching Men, and Women Teaching Women, taught by the Tallinn Teaching Ministry group, Valdur Koha (Boston, USA) Carlos Santos (Madrid, Spain) and Tammy Fleming (London, UK)
- Saturday afternoon and evening’s emphasis on Teaching and the Next Generation. Saturday night features a fun opportunity for the younger crowd to hang out together and fellowship against the beautiful backdrop of one of Europe’s most impressive medieval walled cities.
The complete schedule of events and speakers along with everything needed to register can be found at the Tallinn Teaching Ministry Conference Website.
The Tallinn Church of Christ (or Tallinna Kristlik Vabakogudus in the Estonian language) is a church of about 130 disciples in Eastern Europe whose members prayed, hoped, and planned for about two decades to have qualified Bible Teachers appointed in their congregation. Their determination came from a conviction that sound Biblical teaching plays a significant role in the health of any church. Their hopes were realized a few years ago when Mati Simm, Triin Leesman and Reto Zingg were recognized by the congregation.

Another innovative idea that has been added to the program this year is a Writers’ Lunch, intended to bring aspiring writers together with more experienced published authors. The aim is to help biblically sound teaching material become more widely available through all sorts of available media, and to help one another in this effort.
The event is both in-person and online, aiming to strengthen churches mostly on the large continent which includes the following five ICOC Regional Families of Churches: the UK/Ireland/Nordics; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; the Middle East congregations; and the Eurasian church family. Please be praying for these churches who not only face the usual challenges of language barriers and huge geographic distance between them, but now endure the trial of an active war between their nations.