Dear brothers and sisters,

The London Church turns 40 this year! We will be celebrating this on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September 2022 at Friends House, 173-177 Euston Rd, London, NW1 2BJ.

In the past 40 years, God has done great things amongst us and taught us many lessons. We’ve also seen God stir many hearts and inspire both the new and older generations of disciples to see new visions and embrace new dreams.

All this calls for a big thanksgiving celebration and a rededication of our life and soul to God’s renewal. This is a great opportunity to connect once again with all our friends from the past, the present, and prayerfully the future London church family members.

We are calling all sons and daughters of the London church and everyone God has impacted or used through this church to join us for this hybrid 40th anniversary celebration on the 10-11th of September 2022.

We would be delighted and honoured to have each of the key people that God used to start and build the London Church, and also to have each of the churches that the London church planted – including representatives from such churches’ current leadership team – join and participate in this celebration weekend. We are so grateful for the part you have played in the London Church’s history.


For non-UK-based attendees (from churches planted by London or people who live outside the UK but became disciples in London): If you plan on attending in person, please be sure to register as early as possible to avoid disappointment; registration will remain open until capacity is reached. Click here to register for in-person attendance.

Please let us know what we could do to assist you to participate in this 40 th Anniversary celebration of the London Church. You can email Judie Vasey ([email protected]) if you require a visa support letter.

Click here to register for online participation, should you not be able to attend in person.

For UK-based attendees:

Social media:

Please follow us on the London church’s 40th anniversary Facebook page & Instagram page:

We will be posting various updates that you can share with your friends and family. We are also encouraging people to engage with our social media platforms as much as possible by posting on Facebook your own testimonies, photos or video clips of your special highlight moments in the London church, including where God has taken you around the globe in order to inspire everyone with all that God has done in the lead up to the event. You can also send content to Nathania Harrison ([email protected]), who will manage the Instagram and Facebook page.

Here are the links for the video clips to promote & inform on the anniversary events including how to share and post your own London story on our social media pages:

We look forward to connecting with you as we experience God’s renewal through this 40th-anniversary celebration as we remember and rededicate ourselves to God. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to email us.

In Christ with love,
Charles & Pat Elikwu

On behalf of the London 40th Anniversary Planning Team
[email protected]