
It is always a good idea to start every study with a review of the past studies that have been covered- repetition strengthens conviction. 

The Purpose

The purpose of this study is to convey what it really means to make Jesus the Lord of our lives. This is a crucial study because committing to the Lordship of Jesus is necessary for salvation, yet it has been quite “watered down” in our society today.

Today we are going to study what our response to the cross should really be and what kind of commitment God expects of us if we are to truly be his followers. This response and commitment can be summed up in one word- LORDSHIP.

What do you think it means to call someone Lord? It means they are the absolute master and ruler of your life; whatever they say, goes! Let’s look at some verses that talk about this.


A great summary of Jesus’ life and death, culminating with the fact that he is Lord of all; that every knee should bow to him. He really cannot be savior without being Lord; the two go hand in hand as he is both. When one sees what an incredibly loving savior he is, it motivates them to eagerly accept his Lordship.

Q: What does it mean to really make him the Lord of your life?

A: It means to be in complete subservience to Jesus; to have his will and his word become the final authority in your life. It means to follow him and become a true disciple of his.

When Jesus walked the earth he taught about what it really meant to follow him and become his disciple. Let’s look at some of these passages and let him define his own Lordship. For outline sake, we will group these verses into a few specific areas over which He should be Lord.


JOHN 8:30-32

  • Real disciples hold to Jesus’ teaching over all else
  • Over opinions, traditions, emotions, etc

JOHN 14:15, 23-24

  • Loving Jesus and obeying him go hand in hand
  • What are the most difficult areas for you to obey Jesus’ words in?

II. Lord of Priorities

LUKE 9:23-26

  • This is the commitment of a disciple
  • Foundational heart of self-denial
  • Same standard for everyone
  • What areas do you think you will need to deny yourself in?
  • (share examples from your life)

LUKE 14:19-26

  • “Hate” is the comparative difference between two loves
  • Everything is second to Jesus-people, things and self
  • What would be the most challenging thing for you to give up?


MARK 9:43-49

  • Jesus was serious about sin
  • To make Jesus Lord is to adopt his radical indignation of sin
  • What areas of your life would Jesus call you to “cut off”?
  • (again, make sure you are sharing personally as well)


JOHN 13:34-35

  • Jesus expects his disciples to love like he loved
  • This is inspiring-to have others love you like that
  • This is challenging-to love others like that
  • What can you change to really love others like Jesus did?


MATTHEW 28:18-20

  • Jesus’ vision for the world is for true disciples to fill the earth
  • His dream is for everyone to make him their Lord
  • He calls those who are disciples to help others become disciples-this is the mission of a disciple.

MARK 1:16-18

  • Jesus quickly communicated to his prospective disciples the mission he would later give them.
  • Note their immediate and wholehearted response. Why do you think they responded in this manner
  • What are some things you can change in your life in order to help others know Jesus? 


Do you accept Jesus as the Lord of your life? Why are you willing to do so? What are some things that must change in your life to reflect his Lordship?