Our sister churches in Fresno, Bakersfield, Antelope Valley and Sacramento are excited to announce our plans to plant a new church in the city of Merced, California in September, 2022. Merced is one of the fastest growing cities in California, with a population of 87,000 and a county population of 280,000. It is home to UC Merced, with 10,000 students and Merced College with 15,000 students. It has been the dream of the churches in Central California for more than a decade to plant a church in this important city. This will be the first ground-up planting in California for more than twenty years.

The plan is for John and Jan Oakes to lead the church planting, with the Central Valley Church (Fresno) overseeing the work. We are looking for two campus interns to move to Merced in summer 2022, as well as 10-15 campus students and 20-30 singles, marrieds and empty-nesters to go on the Christian adventure of their life—to start a new work for God in Merced.

If you are interested in either the campus internship or joining us in summer/fall, 2022 in Merced, please contact John Oakes ([email protected], 858-344-5323) or Gary Simmons ([email protected], 559-313-6651). In any case, please be praying for this work of God.