The ICOC Minister’s Wellness Committee is a committee working in partnership with the Elders Service Team. We firmly believe that healthy church growth must begin with healthy and vibrant ministers. We have formed this group to bring awareness to the ongoing need for attentiveness to the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of our ministers worldwide. Our goal is to be a resource of encouragement and support to our full and part time ministers. We are a group of evangelists, women’s ministry leaders, physicians and counselors who understand the unique challenges of serving in the ministry. We pray the resources on this page bless and support you, and want to encourage you to reach out to us at [email protected] if you need more information or support.
Meet the Team: Click here for team bios.
Minister’s Wellness Videos
Videos produced by the Minister’s Wellness Committee.
- Calm My Anxious Heart (& Amygdala!) – Woven in Truth
- Spiritual Mindfulness & Breath Prayer – Woven in Truth
- Embracing & Processing Emotions with God – Woven in Truth
- Negativity Detox – Woven in Truth
- The Art of Intimate Marriage – Dr. Jennifer Konzen
- Social Media and Mental Health I – Dr. Tim Sumerlin
- Social Media and Mental Health II – Dr. Tim Sumerlin
- Social Media and Mental Health III – Dr. Tim Sumerlin
- Emotionally Healthy Church – Peter Scazzero
- The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry – John Mark Comer
- The Art of Intimate Marriage – Dr. Jennifer Konzen
- Spiritual Maturity and Spiritual Transformation books – Cresenda Jones
- Disciples in Motion
- The Art of Intimate Marriage
- Sabbaticals for Ministers PPT by Focus on the Family
- Cross Point Ministry
- Leader Care Online: Soul Care and Coaching for Those in Ministry
- Soul Shepherding
- Self Care for Church Leaders from
- Emotionally Healthy Discipleship
- Transforming Center: Strengthen the Soul of Your Leadership