The Minneapolis/St. Paul Church of Christ hosted its annual Simunye Weekend Celebration on October 22-23, 2016. “Simunye” is a Zulu term which means “we are one.” The special guest speakers for the weekend were Steve and Carol Mukenya. Steve and Carol have led churches in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Nairobi, Kenya; Lusaka, Zambia; and currently lead the church in Gwinnett County, Atlanta.
On Saturday, Steve taught a workshop for the church on cross cultural missions, focusing on reaching out to the large Somali and Ethiopian populations in the Twin Cities area. Carol later taught a class for the women on having grace and faith through times of struggle and trial.
Simunye Sunday featured a cultural celebration of music, dance, prayers in many different languages, songs from around the globe, and a powerful sermon from Steve on the cross-cultural mission that lay before us as disciples. Following the worship, the church had a meal together with dishes from around the world with a food line that stretched over a hundred feet. Disciples and guests alike were all encouraged by the celebration of God’s mission to become a family of all nations, tribes, languages, and people.
Below is a video that was made for Simunye Sunday highlighting the “One Family of All Nations” experience in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Church.