Mission Point Christian Church in San Antonio seeks a congregational evangelist couple to lead our church of approximately 550 members.

San Antonio River Walk.
Picture: Shelly Collins

Some of the qualities we seek include:

  • An ever-maturing and growing personal walk with God
  • A healthy marriage and personal commitment to growth and maturity
  • Strong interpersonal and relational skills
  • Conviction and devotion to “One Another” relationships
  • Deep desire and commitment to making and maturing disciples
  • The heart to care for those who are poor and in need
  • A minimum of 15 years experience in full-time ministry, including building a vibrant, growing campus ministry, and family ministry through all stages of life
  • Ability to lead, collaborate, and work with other leaders
  • Excellent preaching and teaching ability and strong Biblical knowledge.

Please send a cover letter, resume, and letter of recommendation from a current church leader to Juan Aguilar: [email protected].