Over the weekend of November 4, 2017, in Moscow, during the national holiday weekend for Unification of Russia Day and the 100th anniversary of the Communist Bolshevik Revolution, 36 very inspiring, aspiring ministers from seven cities across Eurasia gathered to study an overview of the New Testament at the second session of the new Eurasian Churches’ Mission School for young ministry interns.

Andy Fleming taught this second session of the Eurasian Ministry Training Academy in Russian. The group was made up of 11 students from Moscow, 10 from Novosibirsk, six from St. Petersburg, five from Ekaterinburg, two each from Yaroslavl and Vladivostok, and one from Almaty.

They spent 13 hours in class time, spread over Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, and held an all-student visitor-oriented service on the Sunday. The next session of the Eurasian MTA will take place in St. Petersburg at the beginning of March.

And two MTA students from Ekaterinburg and Vladivostok were first invited to church over the internet. One came to church, studied the Bible, became a Christian, and has been an intern in the Ekaterinburg church since September!

Shared from Eurasian Missions