As I write this article, I have been living in Warsaw for the past 23 months. That is actually 13 months longer than I had originally planned. This experience has taught me so much, especially in the area of the need to exercise my faith. I have learned that it is not enough to just have a vision or a dream, but that you need to actualize that vision or dream. After praying, fasting and getting lots of advice, I realized that it was important to step out on that faith. That has been the most difficult part. But, I want to testify to how God has blessed me during those times when I stepped out on my faith. It truly is an adventure when you can not see what the future holds and you do not know how everything will turn out. God has allowed me to do what I dreamt of and more on this one-year challenge. First of all, the one-year challenge turned into a 23-month challenge. After desiring to stay in Warsaw longer and praying about it, I was given a promotion. This made it possible for me to continue repaying my student loans in the U.S. and live comfortably in Poland. I thank God and the director of this language school for giving me the opportunity to stay longer. In addition to praying, I learned that fasting is a response to our faith, too. It shows how serious and important something is to you. Thank God for a sister in Warsaw who inspired me to do that. I believe that the leaders of the church in Warsaw, Curt and Patty Simmons, got their visas as a result of the church praying and fasting for them. It was very surprising and faith-building when Curt and Patty’s plans changed suddenly and they were allowed to remain in Warsaw. Just prior to that happening, they were ready to move and help another European church. Furthermore, God provided the support and guidance from my spiritual and physical family. If it was not for my physical family in Warsaw, I would not have learned about all the best ways of surviving in Poland. I will never forget how my uncle, cousin and I contributed to renovating two apartments in the two years I was in Warsaw so that I had a cozy place to live. It was so much fun! Spiritually, as soon as I arrived in Warsaw, God provided me with a true friend, Vika, who I explored Warsaw with and had regular heart-to- heart talks over tea almost everywhere we went. The Warsaw church is unique because we all speak different languages and we make the effort to be united and help each other to grow despite that challenge. Google Translate has been a very important tool to communicate—I think we all have it as an application on our phones! Let me describe how our women’s discipleship group looks like sometimes. For example, sister A speaks Russian, then sister B who speaks Russian and Polish translates in Polish, sister C who speaks Polish and English translates to English and finally sister D understands what sister A was communicating. It takes dedication and determination to communicate in this way. But, we make it work with God’s help. During the Christmas season of 2017, God added a new member to our church when Adam Uznanski was baptized. He was truly a Christmas gift to our spiritual family in Warsaw! I continue to have a vision for the Warsaw Church. That’s why I make the effort to share my faith whenever I can. I have two more weeks left of my stay in Warsaw, and I continue to have faith that I will be in a Bible study. Some of the ladies in Warsaw pray specifically that the first Polish woman who will be baptized here in Warsaw will be named Eve. Get it? Adam and Eve! However it will turn out, I trust that God is fully in control. I encourage other disciples to pursue their dreams and to make their dreams come true no matter what stage they may be in life, just the way I did as a thirty-something single professional. I hope and pray that you will have your own awesome and faithful adventure with God! And one last thing: I can’t fail to mention that traveling throughout Europe and meeting many disciples almost everywhere I went was truly the icing on the cake!