When I was young I had a crossed eye which seriously affected my vision. I wore an eye patch on my right eye to straighten and strengthen the left eye. It straightened the eye to the point of looking normal so I no longer was like Clarence the cross eyed lion; but the vision never was restored to the left eye.

The eye patch I wore was a black cloth patch that tied around my head, like a real pirate patch! Of course wearing such a patch to school became a cause of ridicule and teasing. Besides being teased, wearing the patch was frustrating because I was forced to see, read and write with one, not so “good” eye. I confess I cheated, often. I would lift up the corner of the patch with the tip of my pencil or fingers and read with the good eye.

Since I have been diagnosed with macular degeneration in both eyes, I have become more focused on saving what sight remains. I have been studying about the eyes and sight in the Bible.

In a previous blog I wrote about having “My Father’s Eyes,” which involves learning to see people and circumstance with the eyes of God, not my worldly eyes. The scriptures have much more to say about our “spiritual eyesight.”

What You See Is What You ARE! The Bible has much to say about how we see things. Luke 11:34-35 states, “Your eye is the lamp of your body, when your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness. Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness.”

In the context of this passage, Jesus is speaking about greed and selfishness, and is basically using an expression that is associated with a generous eye towards others. However the thought that our spiritual eyes or our perspective is the light that directs our inner self is true.

Our focus, our spiritual sight, is the center or lamp from which we interpret and act upon life. If my vision is clear, that is, if I am seeing things through God’s truth, then my motives and deeds are righteous; but, if my vision is darkened by self, greed or worldliness then darkness and confusion reign in my life.

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