In 1994, a mission team, comprising of eight members sent from the church in Delhi, reached Kathmandu, Nepal. The team was led by David and Monica Noronha. The team had limited knowledge of the local language or the community. It has been 25 years since then and God has been continuously blessing the church despite the political and social instability. On April 13th, 2019, the Nepal Church of Christ celebrated its 25th anniversary. A special event was organized to mark the anniversary for which David and Monica Noronha returned as the guest speakers. During the early days David and Monica had their son Ralph in Kathmandu. Since he was diagnosed with Down syndrome and needed further care, they had to leave for India.
Nepal has been through a lot of political instability that has hurt the community. As a result, many residents left the country to find better job opportunities or in some cases, migrated permanently. Priya Bharati was one of the members of the mission team to Nepal. She was just 17 at the time and young in faith as well. When others left Nepal, she decided to stay and continue serving. She got married to Diraj Dhital and they had a son who is now 17 and a daughter who is 14. God has used this couple to plant the church in Pokhara. During the special anniversary event, Priya shared about the experiences they faced during the early days in Kathmandu. Over the years the church has been led by other couples from India, namely Raghu and Annie Katragadda, Mark and Jasmine Pichamuthu, Raji and Sangeeta Cherian, Ramesh and Alva. All the disciples in Nepal are grateful to all of them for the ways they served the church faithfully.
The mission work continued and in 1999 Kathmandu planted the church in Pokhar. In 2014, the Biratnagar Church was planted. On the day of the special invitational service commemorating the anniversary, close to 85 friends joined the congregation in worshipping God. This included over a dozen of our brothers and sisters who were in the fellowship previously. Now the church has around 100 people attending to worship God every week in Kathmandu. Please keep praying for Nepal that they can witness the planting of 15 churches by 2030. To God be the glory!