2018 was an inspiring year for the campus ministries in the New York and New Jersey regional families of churches! God has been working powerfully to build unity, train leaders, and add to our numbers those who are being saved. In the Central NJ church, the Princeton Bible Talk has been shining bright and bearing fruit, growing to eight disciples! In the Upstate NY churches, Albany has been growing by their faith and boldness on campus. In Syracuse, David Tabing was sent from the NYC Church to lead this past fall semester. He has shared his faith with nearly 3,500 students and studied the Bible with many, building great momentum and a foundation for the campus ministry there.
David is part of a new and invigorated wave of leadership being raised up and sent out from the NYC Church of Christ and our Ministry Training Program. At the start of 2018, the NYC church had full-time campus staff in just three of its 10 Regions, (NJ, Brooklyn & Harlem). Da’neal Knight converted in Queens and was an intern for several years, is now a campus minister there. Charles Delvalle was sent from the NJ Region, where he was converted, to lead the Bronx Campus Ministry. And, beginning in January, Marc Persing will be going full-time as well in the New Jersey region!
2018 began with just over 150 disciples in the NYC campus ministry and we ended the year seeing 55 people saved! Our dream is to see full-time campus ministers in all 10 regions to reach the over 1.2 million college students in this area, and to raise up more leaders to send across NY, NJ, and beyond. Pray for us to get there!