Good News from Bolivia
The church in Santa Cruz, Bolivia is rejoicing to have a new member and a brother in Christ, Cristian Añez.
Cristian is a kingdom kid, his mother is an active member and made sure he participated in the church activities.
In July 2018, our congregation traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina to participate in a Youth Retreat. It was during that time, when God touched Cristian’s heart and he decided to study the bible and change his life.
Upon our return to Bolivia, he told the church leaders at the airport that he wanted to study the Bible and we started right away. As we got deeper in the studies, Cristian was more convicted of what he was doing. During the last study, he was told there was water in the house, and without hesitation he asked to be Baptized.
This baptism is a testimony to his family, especially to his father who had left the church and walked away from the faith. Also his grandmother and sister were very excited for his decision and his mother who never gave up and was an example of faith for him.
Today, Cristian is your new brother in Christ and we rejoice with him for his new life with Christ.
We ask you to please continue praying for our youth ministry in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. We need strong disciples who can help the new believers have deep convictions, to impact the life of their classmates at school and in college.
Cristian Escobar
Evangelist IDC-Santa Cruz