Already, this year at North River Church of Christ in Atlanta, Georgia, 79 people have been baptized into Christ! Recently, in the month of October, our church saw 17 people added to God’s Kingdom, including 12 campus students, one of our high schoolers, a single dad and three incredible women. God has been moving and answering prayers as our fellowship is focusing more on building strong small groups and raising up leaders to connect with all the new brothers, sisters and friends coming to North River. Please pray for a spirit of wisdom and love to take care of the flock. Thank you!

A little over a month ago, Jake Follis (pictured above) reached out to a friend in Florida to express his desire to grow in his relationship with God. That friend is a brother in one of our sister churches and connected Jake to North River. Jake eagerly and humbly studied the Bible with the brothers and on October 13, he became your new brother in Christ! Jake is a single father and is part of the West Cobb/Smyrna Community. Welcome to the family! Tiffany Harris is a senior at GeorgiaState University. Tiffanyhas seen Acts 17:26-27come to life over heryears in college as Godhas pursued her throughmany different friendships on campus. As shestudied the Scriptures over the past month,Tiffany has been blown away by the God shehas seen in the Bible. She decided to makeJesus Lord of her life on October 6, 2019! Abel Paul George is anindustrial design major atGeorgia Tech with a passion fordesigning and creating things!Abel was met on campus at atime where he was reallyseeking God and a faith-filledcommunity. He jumped straightinto Bible studies, bought intothe community, and strives to put God first in allareas of his life! He’s incredibly humble andreceptive to God’s Word, and it’s so exciting tohave him as a brother in Christ! You’re gonnachange the world, Abel! Meet Jamal Franklin, a 20-year-old student atKennesaw State Universitywho didn’t come from themost religious background.Jamal allowed every singleScripture to cut him andchose to change based offevery Word of God heread. In a very short time,Jamal realized he wantedto make Jesus Lord NOW.Nothing was going to stop him from makingthe decision to go all-In. Jamal wasbaptized on October 20 at the campusretreat! Natalie Santos is aphilosophy and English major at Kennesaw State University.She has been attending events allsemester, but aftercoming to our fallretreat, she wanted to go all-in for Jesusand decided to study the Bible every singleday for the next week! Natalie has zealouslystudied the Scriptures with extreme humility,falling in love with Jesus. She immediatelymade radical changes to make Jesus Lord,and through all of the sacrifices that weremade, a huge smile has never left her face.Natalie has one of the biggest and mostgenerous hearts you can find. The world willtruly know she is a disciple by the way sheloves and God’s Kingdom definitely just gotmore cheerful with her in it! We are soproud of her! Please make your new sisterfeel welcomed! Gabe Lawrence (pictured below), a sophomore at Georgia State University, was baptized on Sunday, October 13, 2019. Gabe has a deep passion for God and making Him proud. He’s made some huge changes over the past few months and has truly been willing to give up everything to follow Jesus. His zeal and passion are contagious, and we know he is going to do so much to build up and fight for God’s kingdom. Welcome to the family, Gabe!

Faith Whitaker, a 15-year-old from our Teen Ministry, made Jesus Lord of her life and was baptized this past Sunday, October 27! Faith is a light and a source of kindness and gentleness to not only her peers, but to all of the women who studied the Bible with her, as well as her mother and her younger sister Christianna. Faith studied the Bible for four months and fell in love with Jesus, his plan for her life, and how unconditionally he loves us. Faith is an inspiration to us, clinging on to God’s Word and will from such a young age. We are excited to see how God will use her as a young but Holy Spirit-filled woman of God! Made alive in Christ! Alex Brooking is the long-time best friend of campus brother Grant Edwards. He saw Grant’s love for Christ and was eventually convinced to come to TNL at Kennesaw State University. Once he saw the love and brotherhood of the disciples, he wanted to start studying the Bible. When he was introduced to the Word of God, it was like a fire in his heart. He began diving in and got to a place where he had to be united with Christ. After only a few weeks of studying the Bible, he made Jesus Lord on Saturday, October 19 at the campus retreat. Malachi Locke-Primus was baptized last Friday on October 25! He is a freshman studying computational media at Georgia Tech. Malachi has an unbelievable drive to understand God’s Word, bringing pages of notes and having a ton of questions in every Bible study. That understanding eventually led him to make the greatest decision he could ever make: to make Jesus Lord. Malachi, you are an inspiration to all of us “to never stop going deeper in God’s Word!” Taylor Keitt made Jesus her LORD this past Sunday, October 27! She was met working with a disciple at Kohl’s department store and started searching the Scriptures with the sisters at Kennesaw State University. She is so eager to serve God’s Kingdom and continue on the path to life! Please welcome her into the family when you see her in the fellowship!

Mary Thomas (pictured above) and friends rejoiced “in the presence of angels” during her baptism on Sunday, October 20, and her conversion was truly a church-wide event! Mary met Celeste Keckley last year in Norcross and studied the Bible with Celeste, Sylvia Wyatt, Suzanne Carman, and Diane Knight. After moving to Powder Springs in early 2019, sisters in West Cobb (Lois Schmitt, Zulma Norman, Sammie Layne, and Kathy Worsham) adopted Mary as their own. Mary is known for her zeal for God and love for his Word — as well as her wild laughter! Welcome, Mary, to the laughter of the angels in heaven! Gabby Risher was baptized on Tuesday, October 29! She is a freshman at Kennesaw State University and has been such a joy to get to know. She has a humble heart and is very eager to give her life back to God since He has given everything for her. She is so excited to be a part of the Kingdom of God and continue to grow to become more like Jesus! Aaron Goodwin is a track and field athlete at Kennesaw State University. While he was studying the Bible, one of the things that attracted him to Jesus the most was the way Jesus cared for those who needed him the most. He saw this most powerfully on the cross. Once he realized that he could help people encounter Jesus like he had, there was no stopping him from becoming a disciple. His humility and love for the Word of God are already an inspiration to others. He was baptized into Christ Friday, October 18 in the cold water at the campus retreat. After being introduced to the Campus Ministry through her sister Ciana (baptized in April), Rejeanne Pierre began studying the Bible with sisters at Georgia State University. Her humility and desire to submit to God while studying has been inspiring and a testament to God’s hand in her life. On Saturday, October 19 during the campus retreat, Rejeanne made Jesus Lord of her life!!! Congratulations Rejeanne!

Shared from the North River Church of Christ newsletter.